Hounds Lounge: Doggy Daycare and Luxury Dog Boarding

The Complete Guide to Dog Rescues in Arkansas

happy floof

As a place created by dog-lovers, dog rescues in Arkansas are close to our heart. Every dog in our state deserves a safe, happy life, and every hooman deserves a furry friend who loves them unconditionally. You know the phrase “Who rescued who?” Well, we’re here to tell you that it’s absolutely accurate.

We’ve seen so many adopted dogs and their new pawents bring out the best in each other. In fact, 50% of our frequent Hounds Lounge campers are rescues! Anyone who adopts a dog will tell you it’s the best decision they ever made, but it’s not one to be taken lightly. If you’re considering adopting a dog, ask yourself the following questions before taking Fido home.

dog with blue eye and brown eye

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Adopting a Shelter Dog

1.) Does this dog’s temperament match my lifestyle?

When you’re choosing a dog at the shelter, it’s important to focus on personality rather than looks. The cutest pooch in the world may not necessarily be the best fit for you!

Consider the members of your household. Will this dog get along with them? If you have children, it’s important that you choose a kid-friendly dog. If you have other pets, it’s important that you choose a dog who likes other animals.

You should also ask the shelter staff about the dog’s energy level. Dogs with higher energy require more of your attention, and dogs with lower energy may not be as active as you expect.

2.) Can I commit my time to this dog?

Once you adopt a dog, your priorities have to change. You have to come directly home from work to put in even more work with your pup. That includes training, playing, exercising, housebreaking and more. It’s all worth it, but it’s time-consuming, especially when your dog is still new to your home.

If you have a busy schedule but still want a furry companion, an adult dog who is already trained might be the right choice for you.

3.) Do I have space for this dog?

Where you live should definitely impact which shelter dog you bring home. If you know the breed of the shelter dog you’re hoping to adopt, research what kind of home environment it needs to thrive. Some breeds do well in small spaces like apartments, while others need quick access to a big backyard.

If you’re planning to adopt a puppy whose breed is unclear, talk with the shelter staff. They may be able to give you some insight into how much the puppy will grow and, therefore, how much space it will need.

4.) Can I afford to take good care of this dog?

Dogs have needs that must be met, and they come at a price. As a dog owner, you must be prepared to pay for the essentials like vet visits and food. With some dogs, you’ll have to account for grooming, obedience school, and spaying or neutering.

The financial commitment may seem like a lot, but it’s what dogs deserve for being man’s best friend!

5.) Can I give this dog the best life possible?

It’s a given that your shelter dog will love you unconditionally, but you must be ready to do the same! They deserve a safe, happy home where you provide them with infinite belly rubs.

It’s also important that rescues undergo proper socialization, which helps them adjust to new experiences. If you choose to adopt a shelter dog, a great way to get them acclimated to their new life is doggie daycare at Hounds Lounge! Here, they can make furriends, burn energy and get lovin’ from lots of nice hoomans!

Ready to Adopt?

After seeing so many animal rescue success stories unfold before our eyes, we can’t recommend pet adoption enough. These pups deserve loving homes. If you’re reading this blog, we’re sure your home is purfect! Now that you know what to consider before adopting a dog, it’s time to find a shelter! We have great relationships with many dog rescues in Arkansas, and we’d love for you to pay them a visit.

In Central Arkansas, we enjoy working with the Little Rock Animal Village and the Sherwood Humane Animal Shelter. In Northwest Arkansas, we’ve had great experiences with Fayetteville Animal Services and the Humane Society of the Ozarks. However, that’s only a handful of pawsome dog rescues in Arkansas.

Meet Your Best Friend Furrever! 

Select your area to jump to dog rescues near you.

Dog Rescues in Arkansas by Region

Central AR 

Northwest Arkansas

Southwest Arkansas

South Arkansas

West Arkansas

East Arkansas

Northeast Arkansas

North Central Arkansas

How to Help Dog Rescues in Arkansas

Can’t adopt a new furry friend right now? No problem! There are other ways to help dog rescues in Arkansas by providing donations, volunteers, and support.

Some items that dog rescues typically need are cleaning supplies, food, toys, blankets, collars, and leashes. We recommend reaching out to your local shelter to see what items they’re needing to stock up on, or providing them with cash donations instead!

Shelters may need volunteers to interact with the dogs and lift their spirits while they wait for a furever home! This is a great way to give back to the community while making friends with adorable pooches. Other tasks may be assigned to volunteers, as well, such as cleaning, stocking, or organizing.

Good luck on your journey to find your shelter dog! It will be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. We hope our guide to dog rescues in Arkansas was helpful. 

Once you have found your woof, we’d love to meet them! Learn more about doggie daycare, and, one day, you can make a reservation at any of our four locations. Hopefully, we’ll see you and your new fur baby soon!

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